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- Ancient Near East templates
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- 근동 근동 [近東] the Near East. ~의 Near
- 틀 틀1 [창문·액자 등의 테두리] a frame;
- 고대 근동 근동의 고대사 Ancient Near East
- 고대 근동 문학 Ancient Near East literature
- 고대 근동 박물관 Museums of Ancient Near East
- 고대 근동의 신화 Ancient Near East mythology
- 고대 근동의 종교 Religions of the ancient Near East
- 고전 고대의 근동 Near East in classical antiquity
- 근동의 고대인 Ancient peoples of the Near East
- 근동의 고대사 연대학 Chronology of the ancient Near East
- 근동 근동 [近東] the Near East. ~의 Near East(ern).▷ 근동 제국 [-諸國] the countries of the Near East; Near Eastern countries.▷ 근동 문제 Near Eastern questions[affairs].
- 근동 근동 Near East
- 고대 그리스 틀 Ancient Greece templates
- 고대 로마 틀 Ancient Rome templates